some things that really don't add up
tl,dr: The Archonic control system appears paradoxically advanced yet utterly incompetent—beings of immense intellect and power seemingly hooked on addiction to suffering, running a clunky and unstable "prison" that has glaring loopholes for escape, like ego death and gnosis. rather than a masterpiece of divine oppression, this whole reality feels more like a poorly managed meth lab
full text:
with humanity there seems to be a (lagged and weak) correlation between technological advancement, wars fought and progress in civilization (like Magna Carta or Geneva convention)
I know it's not enough but there is some clear and stable trend line here and the judicial system between the invention of the wheel and the invention of the internet improved a lot worldwide
so how is it possible that "something" demonic above us evolved to the intellectual level of creating entire universes and then decided to take some part of awareness/ soul and imprison it in the most evil, most unjust way possible in a realm of total perversion and forced feeding cycles? so that level of power, intelligence and they have no better inner workings than creating a suffering prison?
but it gets even stranger: somehow Archons are required to constantly manipulate specific aspects of reality to keep this machinery running, for example without the memory wipe their scheme is already endangered, also mass awakening would be game over for them and further it seems they have to also intervene into specific historical events from time to time to avoid the petri dish from evolving too far (like regain higher consciousness)
so you have demonic beings with seemingly infinitely more intellect and capability that are at the same time totally underdeveloped and addicted to the suffering created by funneling awareness through this hell realm? so basically high end junky scientists?
and next up: in gnosis and nearly every eastern spiritual framework there are (technically) extremely basic and easy steps to avoid this mess like ego death, extinguishing desire, learning gnosis, skepticism and some entities were even able to visit earth and spread this exact knowledge... that does not exactly sound like a perfect prison especially when you consider that 2000 years of earth history is a really small timeframe cosmically
I mean the easiest escape route is literally "do nothing, desire nothing, believe in nothing but your true self" and on the other hand they needed to design the most complex simulation technology ever created? also something "relatively" common and achievable like an OBE allows a completely opaque view on the Archon's scheme (like when Monroe described the loosh farm in extreme detail... I mean who allows such an intimate view into a top secret location?)
also there seem to be many different alien entities around us ranging from pure evil to friendly or neutral and they seemingly just watch all of this shit show with little to no interaction? completely apathetic to all this?
oh and lets have a closer look at some of gnosis core principles (that are also found in other belief systems and also fit with Monroe's experiences):
- the spark is indestructible and comes directly from god
- god is totally distanced from us because the demiurge hijacked reality and built the evil material realm
- if the spark realizes it is a spark it can already reach liberation
- the demiurge and archons are not exactly perfect beings (their wisdom is corrupted)
I mean... don't you get a feeling that this whole reality is akin to some highly unstable meth lab?
Nothing I described above really gives of vibes of true power or sophistication. This is almost comically stupid and inconsistent like looney tunes logic and even humanity (of which I am not a huge fan) could eventually outgrow or outsmart this
Don't get me wrong the suffering and evil we are witnessing is intense and makes this absolutely not a joke but this system appears even more cumbersome, more ridiculous, more desperate than some of the systems we created as humans like monetary system or political systems.
Archons would literally have to look at some of the finer specimens we have here on earth (good guy leaders, gurus etc) and think "Damn, these guys are better than me in every single aspect". To keep the analogy going that would be like some totally evil lunatic crackpot double PhD 200 IQ scientist looking through the microscope and finding out that the bacteria on his table are way more worthy, useful and competent than himself.
And btw. what do junkies in need of their next fix always do? they take careless shortcuts... the key characteristic of an addict! Did Archons bypass their own development, abused the power of the astral and created their own demise now erratically trying to keep the farm from falling apart?
What if their "advanced powers and technology" only appear as such through our self inflicted veil of ignorence (when we agreed on the trap)? maybe the spark could naturally access the same "technology"?
oh and one final remark: the "stories" that were presented to humans in the last 2000 years were mostly comically pathetic like a really cheap B movie or a really bad dream... We have book authors, poets and cinematographers here that write ten times better stories than the actual cosmic reality created by Archons
Archons fired up simulation technology that is so mathematically complex that we haven't understood half of it and they abuse it to produce this absolute soap opera of senseless suffering?
to me this almost seems like our opponents are lacking any kind of counterforce that could provide them opportunities of learning or evolving... like the rich parent's kid with the expensive toys becoming the biggest brat on the block
whatever we are, we are at least equally astonishing as the reality that was created to trap us... the prison design reveals a lot about the prisoner's abilities and this is a little more than Alcatraz
*edit\* one more "contradiction" I wanted to add here: in the NDE realm the subject is showered with love, energetically boosted to maximum happiness and then confronted with the idea of "you have to go back" and nearly every single interviewed person says "fuck no! I'm staying"... so why this useless tease? why this immense energetic buildup followed by the immediate letdown? why not just stick to guilt shaming, intensifying feelings of compassion, responsibility, additional learning etc?