Creek bank plants
8a, NC piedmont
My mom likes to mow, leaf blow, and weed spray. We used to have vegetation keeping the erosion down in the creek, but she dislikes it and puts the lawn clippings and leaves there instead as her form of erosion control.
Talking her out of her habits isn't an option, but planting pretty things would at least prevent these activities in the areas they're planted.
I'm thinking swamp milkweed, perennial black eyed Susans (she loves these in particular), and blue wild indigo. The areas I'm going to focus on first are sun or part sun. I have enough time to cold stratify all those seeds in the freezer before spring!
I'm considering Midland shooting star and calico beardtongue but I'm not sure about those as much as I'm sure about the others.
Also considering American lotus for the deep part of the creek because aquatic plants are cool AF. I attached a pic, I don't know if it's slow moving enough to sustain them. Thought maybe y'all would know? Are there other aquatic plants suited to this area? Especially ones that snapping turtles can feed on... And ducks because I like when the neighbor's duck visits. That sentence was almost an autocorrect nightmare.
The area near the bridge is where Bramble the snapping turtle and his reclusive girlfriend Brooke live, so that's priority for reducing the weed spraying.
What's the best way to prepare the ground in these areas? Just remove the leaves/grass clippings on top and pluck/shovel away competitors or non-natives and then direct sow once the seeds are done cold stratifying? I'd like to direct sow if possible, but I can do seedling cells outdoors once the weather warms up if y'all think that would be better. Any advice is appreciated. I've been contacting a native plant nursery in my area and she directed me to Prairie Moon. Oh, and I'll probably buy a butterfly weed from her to support her for her help so far. I just feel shy about individually continuing to ask her so much over email.
Thanks in advance!