I'm embarrased of what I said during sex

About 3 weeks ago, I (21M) had sex with my girlfriend (23F). Everything was nice and we were feeling a bit more fiery than normal.

I'm not a big fan of dirty talk, neither my gf is, but I like to say sweet things like how cute she is or how much I love her. Sometimes, I like to say that she's a good girl.

But this time, my brain went full cavemen and I said "You're my female".

We're french, and in french, the term "female" is only used for animals. So it sounded way more primal in french than in english.

So after we finished, she looked at me with a big teasing smile and said "So, I'm your female now?". She start laughing. I laugh along but I was cringing so hard.

To this day, she keep teasing me by saying in public that she's my female while I try to tell her to shut up (in a playful manner). It's not really annoying but it's really embarrassing.