my friend reminds me i’m a virgin every time she has sex

literally every time i see her, every joke, i’ll say something unrelated and she says it, she’ll text me that im a virgin. because she has a bf and spends the week with him. and im the oldest out of friend group at 21 who is… and she knows i feel bad because i have never found anyone romantically ever and have zero experience.

and its fucking annoying. i get it. you have sex 5 days out of the week. good for you. it just feels like an omen i’ll be a virgin until im like 36 or some shit. i don’t even think i gaf about having sex that fucking often in a week but i just want a relationship and to get it over with so i wont have to hear that shit anymore. if lose it at 25 i’m fucking cooked cause both my friends thinks it embarrassing to have it for long asf like loosing it at 28 or some shit.