Taylor Swift and her fans
I’m going to rant about this because Jesus fucking Christ. Yes, I’m a woman. No, I don’t support Taylor Swift. Does that mean I’m a misogynist? No. Does that mean I have some internalized sexism from childhood trauma? No. Any other question suggesting that I could be sexist cause I don’t like her? No. First off, I’d only be sexist if my reason for hating her was because she was female and nothing else. That’s not why I don’t like nor support her.
She’s a first class, privileged white music artist who can never share the spotlight. To the point where she feels the only way to travel is to take a private jet. Whatever happened to music artists taking busses? She once flew her jet from one city to the city right next door which is insane. And her fans (especially the crazy fans) support it because in their eyes, she can do no wrong. Even when she rereleases the same songs over and over so that no other female artist can be in the top 100. That’s so incredibly greedy, narcissistic and selfish. There are so many talented female artists that deserve to be in the top 10 as much, if not way more than Taylor. She (and her fans) need to understand that.
Her fans are a fucking cult. Speaking of her fans, if you say any valid criticism about Taylor, her fans will bash you and call you every name in the book. This is the same behavior that some extreme sports fans have and none of it is okay. Who the hell cares if someone doesn’t like Taylor swift. That does NOT mean that they, especially if they’re women, are sexist. It means they have different tastes and preferences. And PapaMeat/MeatCanyon’s video about Taylor Swift perfectly encapsulates what her fan base is like. Especially since some of her fans attacked him on social media afterwards even though the video was a nonsensical parody (although not even a parody since it showed that some of her fans truly are insane). And a side note that the crazy fans practically worship Taylor as if she’s the messiah or something and it’s super fucking weird and creepy.
Some of her fans make being her fan their entire personality. Once again, this is weird with anything. Whether it’s a sports team, song artist or movie. When taken to the extreme to the point where the person has to bring it up in every single goddamn conversation, it’s really fucking weird. A girl I used to be friends with did the same thing and it was annoying as well because when did listening to a music artist or following a sports team become a personality trait? It’s one thing to be like “oh, I like that team” or “this artist is super fun and cool” and it to be left at that. It’s a whole different thing for that obsession to be brought up in every waking moment of their lives. When a conversation is serious, they still bring her up. If a person is talking about a random artist’s song, her fans will bring up a song Taylor wrote as a way to be like “Taylor does this as well” and act like Taylor is the only one who can write breakup songs or something and if anyone mentions any other artist, the Taylor Swift fan will go to hell and back to keep the conversation on Taylor even though the conversation had nothing to do with her (Taylor).
She’s insanely unoriginal and uncreative. Taylor is releasing different versions of her songs whenever she can (especially if it means getting her to the top cause how dare a different female artist have the spotlight) and it’s all the same. She knows that but also knows that her fans will eat it up purple because again, they see her as someone who can do no wrong even when the music is the most generic music on earth. And if you like that, that’s fine. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fans that act like she’s the most talented artist whose songs can never be topped even though, again, many artists have written better songs than her (Chappell Roan, Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, Avril Lavigne and dare I say, the king of pop himself Michael Jackson, and many more) and deserve to have their moment in the spotlight. But Taylor’s so narcissistic that she can’t stand when she’s not the center of attention and it’s absurd that some of her fans can’t see that.
If you are a fan, then don’t bash me nor others who aren’t a fan of Taylor because again, it’s preference and there’s nothing wrong with disliking her. But she’s flawed like every artist and we need to stop putting people like her on a pedestal.